Friday 27 July 2012

Fields of Flowers

What do you want, boy?
Running in circles,
directionless, and confused
you brought me along for the ride.
We crashed in the field
and you got up and left
while I lay there.
Winds crept up
and winters lurked around corners.
I watched the light change
and the skies darken
while waiting for spring
so that I could
make friends with the flowers
who you left me with.

Summer is now mid way
and flowers have nothing to say
and I'm left with thoughts
which I will bring into winter
when it comes - the thoughts
you left me with
to remind me again and again
that this loneliness is my own
when these flowers die
come winter once more.

Thursday 26 July 2012

Mothers in the Store

Mothers on task
strolling down aisles
children by their sides.
Arms start grabbing
for carrots and cans
frozen peas and crisps
while grabbing their children
who run amok amongst shelves.
As fathers are not seen
sat hidden in cubicles
mothers come to lie
on each other,
rolling prams into groups
and talking about life,
bitching about children
and husbands. So sad
they are reduced to this,
talking and lurking
behind backs.
Caring not for their own
but looking elsewhere.
What do you do when they
wander, wanting
what they don't have, neglecting
what they do have?

Monday 16 July 2012

It comes Full Circle

On a trail so frequently used
where the earth wears thin and fades
something happens.

It begins and then ends
much happier than in the middle
where confusion lay and thoughts
ran wild. It finishes so well
with an exchange of something
which began so far back
time couldn't even comprehend.
It's all ended now,
with a tinge of sadness,
and it lies discretely in the earth
which will forever be walked on.
It won't forget
even when I have;
so the story will remain
buried in the earth,
not for me but for others
who trod this path in time.