Friday 28 June 2013

Stay as Sweet as You are

Stay as sweet as you are
when times get hard
on the ford of River Wey
and then you can hear
the songs we sang
once a long time ago.

We're gone now
distant and cold, on shingles
and broken glass
like the night we trod on them
drunk, fresh from the bar.

We no longer exist;
we're just you and me
and where you are
I won't know any more
but be you here
or there
remember to stay
as sweet as you were
so that I 
can remember you
like the way you were
the day we said goodbye.

Monday 24 June 2013

The Illusion of Photos

I have my life
strewn across the bed
in pictures
held still in time
with the corners
dog-eared as if
they could stop
the past from
at the edges.

We hold a smile
in every photo
just for the photo
and we'd then disappear
into the background
and frown
and sneer for
no one to see
but ourselves.

Now I have these photos
which bore no truth
but only illusion
where neither you
nor I knew we created
but now it's clear
that we lied
to each other so much
that it came out in photos
piercing like fire.

Sunday 23 June 2013

Locked in

It would rain outside 
sky souring to grey
and I'd hide away
unsure where to go
stuck in my head
whirring, reeling, 
uncomfortable realisations.
where did I go?

Clarity in words
never formed straight lines,
coherent sentences,
or sense.
They stayed ravelled,
confused, convoluted
like past arguments
on rape and sex
and on what makes them
assault or pleasure.

What we hide from
stays hidden under
duvets and stained covers
like the buried dead
still writhing in graves
but where do you run
when all you're left
is yourself and a closet
with a lock at the door
and a darkened room
to ponder and repeat
the mistakes in your mind?
to misinterpretation
it all falls
never-into place
and they lie like 
fragmented pieces
in the closet with 
on a dark rainy day.

Portsmouth Harbour via Guildford; calling at Woking, Guildford...

Because when I boarded this train
I knew I was going home.

Monday 17 June 2013


Please take me back on weekends
I can't see beyond veils
I can't touch beyond walls
I can't feel beyond impasses.

Please take me back to before
so that I don't grow up
so that I can slow the pace
so that I can be me again

Please take me away
and I won't have to grow,
see, touch, feel
and miss what's gone.

Take me away,
far away
and I will forever be thankful that you did.

Songs speak Interpretations

Is this the place I've been dreaming of

I need somewhere to begin

This could be the end of everything

...somewhere only we know.

Sunday 16 June 2013

Awkward silences 
more pronounced 
than words themselves.

To admit

Because if I said...
let's change the subject
and talk about the time we met
under the influence
of friends and ambience
when the future was scary
and we saw no further
than tomorrow. And when
we spoke under midnight stars
about things
which didn't matter
but we listened
intently and spoke deeply
about trivialities.
But now all I have
is a room full of things
which matter
and the more I look
and scour for memories
the more I find
of you and me.
But yet I keep quiet
and get about my day
like the pavement pounders
of inner London
and pretend
for the world
I'm not empty inside.
Because if I admitted
that I miss you
I would cry
and be gone forever.

Saturday 15 June 2013


All of my problems exist in my head.
You only exist in my head

Wednesday 12 June 2013


What you know

Only here will I speak
to you about
love, life and tears
that fall and break
like glass and ice.
And then there will be
silence so
deafening and deathly
like cold hands on hearts
and the last of breaths
that to define otherwise
would only put me to shame
but you - you will only hear
and see what bubbles up
to the surface and
you will play
the part of ignorance
until truths
come to light.
And then, only will I
speak about everything
you didn't know
and watch your face crumble
into tears and pain.

Monday 10 June 2013

Will remind me of you

One day
this song will remind me of you
tussled in memories
which merge and split
unbearably difficult to untangle.
With the dying light
there will be ghosts
and imprints which find
their way down the pathways
buried under time
which loosens the bricks and stones
becoming undone.
One day this song
will remind me of you
when you are no longer here
and I can only hold you
and feel you
when the music plays on its own.