Monday 13 February 2012


Cerita Bahasa Melayu beza daripada cerita Bahasa Inggeris kerana kegunaan bahasa yang berbeza memberi kesan yang berbeza. Itulah salah satu fakta yang kita memang sudah sedar tentang.

For example, when I say, "I'm hurt", you're more likely to think that I've fallen over in a clumsy heap and injured myself.

Tetapi apabila saya kata, "Saya sakit hati", anda tahu saya merujuk kepada kesakitan emosi.

Sadly, I have to admit that my ability to write anything coherent in Malay is deteriorating by the day due to the lack of use.

Adakah saya akan cuba memperbaiki masalah ini?

No. Because if I ever use this language these days, everyone's going to think that I do not want them to know about what I am saying. And I don't want to be judged.

However, now that I've admitted that I do use Malay to have secret conversations with others, you'll want to know what I've just typed above.

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