Thursday 18 April 2013


Here's the letter you never read
and I never sent:

Dear you,

I think this is a letter long overdue - it's been more than a year and, in fact, it's approaching two and you still haven't heard from me. But that doesn't matter, does it? I mean we were like two lines travelling towards each other and then missing the contact point and continuing on elsewhere.

Dear you,

I think you never cared. There was a cold silence in the room next door as I packed up to leave. You never asked or perhaps, never even wondered what my next adventure was going to be. I suppose it wouldn't be any of your business but it would have been nice to know that a passing of presence would still play on your mind as I left for good.

Dear you,

We are beyond apologies. They lie stagnant at the tip of our tongues - they've been rendered redundant by time and they're now forgotten, unspoken, like your mind and the memory of me. I guess you can forget now just like how I've forgotten...but not forgiven. Apologies may no longer mean anything but the resentment will still stand like gravestones pitched over the grave of my memory of you.

So here is this letter which you will never read. It lies somewhere at the back of my mind - an undelivered message born out of disgust and dirt - but it's okay. I mean every word of it.

Yours truly
The Author of the Letter that was Never Written

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