Sunday 21 July 2013

This Place

Knowing that I was leaving, I put on a façade...and I disowned it. By 'it' I mean this place - this place which was home to me for four years; that's almost half a decade may I just point out. When you've only lived for twenty years or so, that almost-half-a-decade takes up a significant percentage of your life. And yet, I was still able to disown it. Not without some tears and heartache if I may add, because, this was the place where I grew up (in four years) and watched people change as I changed. These streets, I knew them all, and the people, I knew how they worked. I knew everything about this place - but I disowned it, to save me from homesickness and loss. I disowned it because I knew, in leaving, I'd love it too much.

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