Tuesday 22 October 2013

Once Left

It is more the days that were happy
that get to me now. They remind me
of warmth and love that bloomed in spring
only to end as autumn comes to close.
It is when the days are no longer right
and the nights no longer habitable
that I wish that light could come again
and whisk me away to a better place.
Where have you gone when everything fell?
Were you not to be here and hold me tight?
Were you just here, then, to get
all you needed and then leave
me on cold, hard platforms to be bitten
by wind and frost and heartless intent?
I assume so, considering I'm alone,
alone in a room with no windows or holes
to let sunlight in. I wonder where you are
even though you've left; I wonder if you know
that you've left me in sadness.

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