Sunday 17 November 2013

A Script from My Timeline: I don't think we can be friends

I think of how things have changed...all the time...

I remember how I burnt my toast every morning in the cheap toaster only students deserved - it stood for all we were worth; it stood for all we could seemingly ever have. And as times changed and I moved out and afforded more expensive kitchen appliances, I still find myself burning things. I'm beginning to question how much I've progressed in my life.

I think of how not-so-far-away it all seems...almost all the time...

We're meeting winter again in a few weeks. Every winter seems like an overlay of the last - nothing from the previous winters were ever forgotten. Their events (or non-events) were just enunciated in the annual sub-zero temperatures and they all seem more real than ever come the coldest time of the year. Not even a well-toasted slice of bread would keep me warm (though a cup of strong coffee might)

I think of how I've forgotten and drifted away...not nearly enough times...

I've burnt quite a lot of toast in the past - they are a pretty good reminder of how some things just do not go the way they should. With some things, I will try and try and again to make it work, to perfect the art of not burning my breakfast. But for others, maybe it isn't worth travelling the distance for a good breakfast and they'll lie forgotten.

I have a hot mug coffee in hand and a somewhat-okay piece of toast. They'll keep me company for now and I think we'll be friends for a bit.

As for the rest of you, I don't think we can be friends. In fact, I don't think we can ever be friends again.

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