Sunday 1 December 2013

A Script from My Timeline: Oblivious (Vignette #7)

Apparently, I lost something yesterday.

It must have fallen out of my pocket as I was rushing to catch my train. I was running late and in my haste to get on the train, it must have fallen out and landed somewhere on the snowy pavement.

I wasn't aware I had lost anything. My day continued as it normally does - busy at work with phone calls and demanding clients. As I returned and walked the same snowy pavement back to the house, I didn't notice it lying on the ground.

It's been a week since I apparently lost it and I don't think it'll be where I dropped it anymore. It may have been washed away when the snow melted or it may have been picked up by someone else. If it was the latter, I doubt this someone else would ever understand how much it once meant to me. Only I will remember how much I cherished it and kept it so carefully once upon a time. But, now I've lost it and I don't think I'll ever get it back.

Sometimes it's hard to notice what's been lost. I had kept it in my pocket for so long I had forgotten it was there to begin with. Perhaps had I kept it in my shirt pocket, closer to my heart, I would still have it. But instead I abandoned it in the right pocket of my winter coat and hastily got on with my life. 

I should feel sad but to be honest, I'm not sure if I am fully aware that I've lost something. I wonder how long it will take me to notice. Perhaps, one day, on one of my train journeys, I'll absent-mindedly rummage through the right pocket of my coat, and realise it's no longer there.

And when that does happen, the rest of my journey to work will seem very lonely and I'll be filled with regret.

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