Monday 30 April 2012

Agnosticism in Prayer

Dear Higher Being,
Are You there? Are You
I have a question
which has lain in remission
almost dormant in my mind.
Can You take us by the hand
give us hope and love
and the faith of
perhaps, a believer?

I don't know Higher Being,
but I don't have time to question
whether You're really there.
Because I need Your help
to guide the friend who knows that
You are there, in the minds of all
harbouring warmth and care
and ultimately, unprecedented
I know You're there,
holding the hands of believers
(if not mine)
and although I do not believe
I will give prayer
for the friend who follows
in your grace, so that You can be
with her,
to give her faith,
to give her hope
and ultimately... give her love.

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