Friday 13 April 2012

July 10, 2008

I think reality just slapped me in the face. I'm still amidst my holiday spirit but I've just realised that I have a lot more to do than I thought I did.

I have to do UCAS. I have to study for History AS. I have to start work on Math. I have to write essays for Tiow. I have to do my attachment. I have to find and file up all my papers. I have to mentally and EMOTIONALLY prepare myself for the horror which comes in the form of AS results.

I have to do all that. You may think that, considering I have a month, I should have more than enough time but let me run you through HOW it has to be done.

UCAS will need me to go through all my past achievements and write a god damn personal statement. Considering the fact that I don't have an impressive resume, I have to write down every little particle of achievement I can find.

HISTORY AS is in November and I know balls about Singapore and it's kiasu-ism.

TIOW'S ESSAYS will take some time because I need to analyse the weaknesses within my previous essays and it is essential that I get them right this time.

ATTACHMENT will take 2 weeks. I also have to decide whether I should do a law attachment or a psychology one.

FILING UP SHIT will take forever cause' my papers are e-v-e-r-y-w-h-e-r-e

AS RESULTS are out on the 10th of August (I think) and I don't think I'm ready to face my results especially Stats.

I'm nervous as hell....


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