Friday, 31 January 2014
Tuesday, 21 January 2014
I Hate You
Monday, 20 January 2014
Saturday, August 29, 2009
God says to you that faith controls everything. If you pass your exam, it's not because you worked hard but because God wanted you to. If you fall into a hole and lose your limb, it's not because you were careless but because God wanted you to.
So I suppose God wanted me to go for two blood have both my arms jabbed with a small cylindrical tube to draw 6ml of blood out of me on both occasions. Sigh....I'm tired, God. I really am. If everything is down to you, I shouldn't be blamed for a low WBC count or the depressed face I have on every other day because it isn't my just wanted it that way.
Am I going to UK then? I don't want to play games any more. I'm sorry for the people around me who have to put up with my inability to get better or be a better person. I'm sorry that I've disappointed. I'm even more sorry that I've to be dependent. I'm GUILTY for being a slave to "faith". I'm feeling this way because God wanted me to isn't it?
I want to say "I wish I were dead" but I can't because that'd not only make me an ass of a sadist but also because I love this life too much. But these games I've had to play....I can't take it any more. I want to live without these things. I really do. I'd shoot myself if that's the way to make everything go back to normal. But I suppose, if I were to shoot myself, I'd be dead.
Mother and father aren't happy. I'm not happy. Faith's made me fork out more money than I'd ever want to. The blood tests, the consultations, the treatments, the injections, the costs of my weekly travels to the medical facilities...materialistically, it's depriving. Emotionally, it's depressing. Physically, it's draining. I literally barely made it into bed last night. What's next dammit...Can't get into the UK because immigration won't let me into the UK in my state. I've got the grades, the uni, the money(sorta) but not the clean bill of health required....??
I dunno.....I'll leave it to faith....
Wednesday, 15 January 2014
All That You've Done
I'd like to know how it happened.
No. Don't give me a timeline of events. I know exactly what happened - I know the order in which it all happened; I know the role you played in this; I know the story you're about to compose for me.
I want to know how this all happened. And if you can manage it, I'd like to know why.
It's funny how you now have not very much to say. I seem to be getting a little mumble here and there but not much coherence. The story you carefully rehearsed in your head is now gibberish and, quite honestly, serves no purpose in communication.
I think you're not ready to talk about it - maybe the incident was too traumatic to articulate. Maybe you need some time, or rather, more time to conjure a story of how and why it happened. I don't know. I'll just leave you to it and when you finally have something to share, I'll listen.
I can hear the jingle of handcuffs in the distance. They belong to you and your hands, and I hope you're happy about what you've done.