Tuesday 21 January 2014

I Hate You

The words spill out a little too quickly for me to stop them.

They are permanent like ink from a broken pen on a chiffon blouse. I can't remove it.

I don't blame you for cutting ties and walking away. I said it all too quickly and now I can't take it back.

It's caustic. Unbelievably caustic and I would say sorry for saying it but I can't. What's an apology if it's not heard? Maybe it's just regret?

Words are more powerful in the air than they are on paper...
...I think anyway...
...I say this because words in the air can't be taken back whereas words on paper can be crossed out, erased.

The words I say are bigger than me, have more power than me and to say "I hate you" is beyond any emotion of hatred I can feel.

Basically, I didn't mean it. And now it's too late to undo it all.

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