Sunday 18 March 2012

Meaningless Travels

Do you know what it's like
to travel on trains? Buildings
whizzing by when actually
they stand still like head stones.
People outside vanish in the speed
and all that is left to see
are the distant fields
where cattle graze.

And so my trip from Surrey
to London, takes me past
calm fields and quiet villages
but soon I see the countryside
morph into the suburbs.
Fields and small houses
begin to vanish. In their place,
tall, narrow buildings, all
looking-alike. Clapham Junction
never seemed more grey
with their multi-coloured
buildings of similar structure.

That was not my stop
So I travel even further
and I watch Clapham
being replaced by London.
And then we stop.
Passengers spill out
onto platforms
and shoot past the gates
before dispersing into London
and I was left...
...standing on the platform
watching it all
feeling empty because
nothing I had just seen
meant anything to me.

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