Monday 19 March 2012

Worth Nothing

Maria: I missed it all. I never got to see it grow, I never got to see it breathe - it was a stillborn. And I blame myself for its death. I am such a bad person - horrible...evil...

Curtains close. Two men walk onto the stage. One of them is John. He walks with his head down. Next to him is Dave who smokes a cigarette as he walks with John.

John: I don't think she realises how much she's disappointed me. I had so much hope and...maybe I expected too much...

Dave: I don't understand why you keep thinking about it.

John: Because I thought she could...

Dave: Forget her. She clearly isn't capable. There are others out there who can - don't hang around with someone as useless as her.

John looks up at Dave.

John: Light me a fag, mate. I'll come with you. Show me...

Dave lights John a cigarette, pats him on the shoulder and walks off stage. John stands puffing on his cigarette. Maria enters.

Maria: You know I didn't mean to...I mean I didn't know what to do.

John looks down on her and continues to smoke his cigarette.

Maria: I'm sorry - I've been too afraid to say anything to you...until now...but there, I've said it! Please forgive me!

John (as he speaks, smoke comes out of his mouth and nose): There's nothing to forgive.

Maria: Wha-what? What do you mean?

John blows smoke in Maria's face

John: There is nothing to forgive. Because you don't exist.

John walks off stage and Maria stands on stage alone, almost in tears.

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