Saturday 19 November 2011


I'm complacent.

I woke up one day, quite suddenly, after two years. It was reality and it was harsh: no matter how nice a person one is, there's no such thing a karma. It's bullshit.

But forget karma for now. Think about reality for awhile. What is it? - It's a perception and understanding of life concepts and it's different for everyone.

However, if it's just perception, isn't it just an illusion - an illusion which is morphed by life experiences and individual differences? For example, the aphasic patient who can only perceive things in his left peripheral view. Or the depressed victim who can only perceive the sad and the negative.

Emotional perception is the individual's own inner illusion and can only be viewed by the one it belongs to. But the individual still chooses how he wants to see it.

When I woke up, I decided I was going to perceive complacency. Fuck perfection; fuck happy endings; fuck all the unnatural expectations of modern society. They are all the illusions created by a mass of unthinking schmucks and adopted by an even bigger mass of unthinking feeble-minded individuals.

And so with that, I followed a more obscure path - and stayed quite complacent and pretty damn happy ever since.

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