Tuesday 6 December 2011

June 3, 2009

Yesterday's History paper really went down the drain. Really felt as though God was trying to take a nip at me for being the lazy ass I've been this entire year and a half in KTJ. Oh well, it's over and done with I suppose and any remorse will only come when the results come out in August.

Oh god, the thought of results day...

For now anyways, it's just literature and Maths so it should be pretty okay from now on. Corelli and Faustus are really getting to me though. The Italian soldier and the deranged German scholar really are a handful especially at times like this. Stresss

I really feel like blowing up the brains of some of the people who live here. It's a real pain in the ass to see their faces during exam time. The feeling of seeing their faces is equivalent of that of a gay bio teacher trying to instigate a fight by tossing your homework out in the corridors. Fuck you, you bloody gay shit.

The only way to survive Art Centre, I've realised, is not to care. Not to care about the bloody gits who get in your face, not to care about any crude remarks, not to care about the gossiping and the bitching, not to care about the eavesdropping(thus, say whatever the hell you want regardless of who is standing next to you), not to care about the assumptions made, not to care about the "friends" which you thought you had, not to care about the "friends" who get on your nerves....

I can go around rolling my eyes at anyone now and not worry about being threatened about them being gouged out of my skull(mainly because I'll be the one gouging eyeballs out instead).

That lousy little fake bugger better watch it....she'll be the next one to go flying over the corridor railings in this school.

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