Wednesday 14 December 2011

Lessons to be Learnt

"At some point she has to try"

"People are starting to notice...eventually, they're going to think: why bother?"

"I think she's very insecure about herself..."

"She is very vulnerable"

"..and so I think she is afraid to talk to people because she thinks they do not want to talk to her"

"but you see: people don't see that...people will not perceive that...they just see her the way her actions portray her..perception is a horrible thing"

"Yeah I know...because our perception of her is based on her actions..and they aren't reflecting her in the most positive light"

"Her actions and her inactions..."

"Umm..yes inactions...definitely"

Actions speak louder than words. Inaction speaks louder than actions.

And I curl up under the covers
while the night is ignited by fireworks
to prove 
that the unresponsive
can only ever lie alone

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