Wednesday 7 December 2011

March 15, 2009

Doing C3 is like jumping off a cliff repeatedly hoping to fly. I'm sorry but I think you need to be a bird to do that....or an insect for that matter.

I'm done with Frankenstein btw. I'm sick of reading the damn book, sick of doing the damn exam paper, sick of having to see that black speck that lives two floors below me. So what the hell...screw Frankie and his inability to fit in.

A lot of things have happened over exeat and obviously I'm not the one to really say as I wasn't around. I mean, I can see the after effects of whatever has happened but that's only at a surface level. I've had my fair share of confusion before I left and I can't say it's sorted itself out yet - where the hell did I put my calculator? -_-"

I've got a message for a whiny little git who stayed back for exeat and who held up class the other day to make way for some drama:

I didn't think you were going to commit suicide and even if you had the guts to, I don't give a damn.

I've got a much nicer message for a really nice person:

Thank you for the acknowledgement. Want cake? =)

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