Monday 5 December 2011


Slip into unconsciousness
on the bed
head resting on pillows.
You never thought you would go so suddenly
but neither did I.

A muffled voice in the night time
the silence emphasised.
so timid and unexpected, the words:
I'll get you
and you sink back into a drowsy, silent stupor.

Never did I think
or expect
or anticipate
the growing of the voice
finding it's way out of sleep
into your being.
Why did it come and take you
and claim you? Your youthful face
sinking into gauntness.
Your eyes infiltrated
by the vice
this voice set upon you.
Why did you have to die
before my eyes?

But you breathe again
one stormy night
The voice dies away in the distance
and I hold your hand
knowing it will soon be okay.
I listen in fear
for the voice returning in avengence,
but all I can hear
and possibly all that is left
is nothing
but the rustling of the trees
in the cold September winds.

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