Wednesday 25 January 2012

In Peace, I will not be Left.

The year ended
No goodbyes or happy smiles
we leave. And joining them in the new years
will not be me
or so it seemed.

Leprous walls and doors
with a strip of green which travelled with me.
Sterile floors
mopped with alcohol
hiding that gleam
that mad gleam
which only this floor possessed.

Join the club.
We sit in isolation.
Isolation Club,
twiddling our thumbs.
The smell of burnt toast
we ate.
We only needed
the smell
and the sight.
Nothing more than the
non-physical touch of

Bitter battles
between mind and
gut. You clench your fist until
your palms bleed but still,
you don't understand.

Do you love me Anabel?
If Anabel is what you call it
then No 
Anabel does not love you.
Then who is to love this
frame? Who is to love this
Only a parent could love
or perhaps not even them.

Stuck between obssession and reality
the doorway begins to shut.
Which side are you on?
Which side are you on?
I have one foot out the door
only one foot on the outside floor.
Such a child, you are
Such a child.

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