Saturday 20 November 2010

Hoovering up that Sock

The hoover glugged and sputtered at some point and I looked down to see it sucking up one side of my sock. No point saving it now. What an idiot I am to not even notice that fucking sock. I wasn't looking was I?

It's just an analogy of my life - not looking at what I am doing. Forever engulfed in something else and forever neglecting the thing that mattered most (not that my sock mattered much to me..but what good is one sock?).


It was eating me alive from the inside out, diminishing my ability to notice everything else and yet I let it devour me completely. It's like that important to stay as a pair but yet sucked up the hoover into a dusty pit due to my lack of attention - always too busy, always too ignorant. That longer any use to me.


I look down at that one sock and think "oh sad times; I can't use it anymore". I've rendered it useless. I picked it up and  flung it to the back of my cupboard, knowing that I'd probably never use it again.

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